About Lancashire Lions Visually Impaired Sports Club
“My love for cricket is thanks to my father. He cricketed me out from a very young age. My father himself is totally blind so he would ask me to read out the runs to him off the TV screen.”
Based in Manchester, North West England, the Lancashire Lions Visually Sports Club was first established in 2011 as a Visually Impaired Cricket Club. The club burst on to the scene by winning the Northern Cricket Development League, in their first season, with a 100% record, beating well-established teams such as Durham and Yorkshire to name a few.
The club have gone from strength to strength over the years and continues to grow thanks to the hard and dedicated work of volunteer committee members, coaches and players.
In 2016, following interest from members, the club started its own Goalball team and became a Multi-sports Club. Like the cricket the goalball team has grown and achieved instant national success.
The club continues to expand and is looking at introducing more sports such as football and tennis.
We run regular weekly practice sessions as well as monthly social activities.
Sheraz Chohan, Club Secretary and first team cricket player and founder, from Manchester said:
“My love for cricket is thanks to my father. He cricketed me out from a very young age. My father himself is totally blind so he would ask me to read out the runs to him off the TV screen.”
The reason for Lancashire Lions being formed was because there was no competitive cricket in the Lancashire county, enthusiasts would need to travel to places such as Durham or Yorkshire to play competitively. This galvanised Sheraz to set up what is now LLVISC.
“With Lancashire being such a successful cricketing county it seemed wrong for the county not to have its own competitive blind cricket team” furthered Chohan.
The club is ever expanding and has now started to delve into other sports such as Goalball, Ten-pin bowling, Football and Tennis.
Lancashire Lions Visually Impaired Cricket Club is a pioneering and multi-cultural organisation creating sporting and social opportunities for both males and females who have a visual impairment.
For further information do not hesitate to call Sheraz Chohan, Club Secretary on 07581351786 or email the club at [email protected]

The club would like to thank the following for their support:
Performance Fluids Limited
SPONSOR: www.performancefluids.co.uk Visit website
Tesco Bags of Help
SPONSOR: Tesco Bags of Help Visit website
Lancashire Cricket Foundation
FUNDER: www.lancashirecricket.co.uk Visit website
Peoples Health Trust
www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk Visit website
Big Lottery Fund
FUNDER: www.biglotteryfund.org.uk Visit website
Sport England
FUNDER: www.sportengland.org Visit website
Primary Club
FUNDER: www.primaryclub.org Visit website
British Blind Sport
SUPPORT: www.britishblindsport.org.uk Visit website
Goalball UK
SUPPORT: www.goalballuk.com Visit website
UK Blind Baseball Association
SUPPORT: www.ukblindbaseball.co.uk Visit website
British Cricket England & Wales
SUPPORT: www.bcew.co.uk Visit website
Get in touch
We would like to thank the following organisations for their support: